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The diamond reference index

The diamond reference index

There is no public official diamond price, as diamonds are not listed on the stock market.

The diamond price is managed by professionals, through the Rapaport diamond report, in the field and not by an external financial authority.

The Rapaport Diamond Report, a true institution in the trade, serves as a reference for the world’s diamond dealers in fixing the price of diamonds. It is the most popular and well-known report in the global diamond industry.

The first Rapaport price list was compiled by Martin Rapaport, the founder of the Rapaport Diamonds Group, in 1978.

The Rapaport Diamond Report is updated weekly based on actual inventory, world production, and supply and demand. It is designed to reflect the market situation, report fluctuations and serve as the basis for calculating the price of diamonds on the world market.

The report is published in tabular form and values diamonds based on carat weight, color and clarity. The price quoted based on this information is expressed in dollars per carat.

Two weekly reports are published: the list of round diamonds and the list of pear-shaped diamonds, which is actually valid for all fancy shapes.

For colored diamonds, there is no specific price list; they are sold according to market supply and demand. Rare colored diamonds are usually sold at public auctions around the world.