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Is there such a thing as a “Perfect diamond"?

Spring is a magical time of year, when trees blossom and flowers push through the earth, inspiring a sense of renewal and revitalization in all of us. It’s no surprise that this magical season is also a propitious and popular time to get engaged.

Diamonds are by far the most popular choice for engagement rings, as they have a one-of-a-kind sparkle and strength. And if you’re looking to buy a diamond, you’re likely seeking that perfect one. Right?

But is there such a thing as a “perfect” diamond? Countless factors go into the overall “grade” of a diamond, dictating the quality of these highly coveted stones. While the 4C’s are institutional criteria (explained below) delineating the characteristics of what is considered to be a perfect diamond, your perfect diamond has nothing to do with that.

We’d like to emphasize that the most important criterion remains your own sensitivity, your desires or your needs of the moment. There are no such things as a good or bad diamond.

You see, everyone has their tastes, preferences and budget. Whether you’re looking to buy a diamond for an engagement ring or a dazzling gift for your special someone, you can get the diamond you seek, based on your personal preferences.

Below, we delve into the many considerations to take into account when choosing your perfect diamond to help you seamlessly find your ideal, brilliant gemstone.

Stick your budget

One popular belief stipulates that an engagement ring should be worth three months' salary. What few realize is that this is an antiquated rule stemming from a 1930s De Beers marketing campaign. It sold the idea that true love and commitment could only be shown if a man spent a month’s salary on his wife’s engagement ring. In the 1980s, the expectations grew to two months’ salary, and eventually, three months’ worth. But there’s really no reason why one should spend three months of his gross salary on an engagement ring. Ultimately, your budget should be what you feel comfortable paying.

And this is all the more true in 2021! This year has been devastating to many. Covid’s rippling effects on our economy has led many to lose their jobs, leading them to tighten their budgets. But all is not lost.

While the objectively “perfect diamonds” (according to the 4C’s) are not exactly within everyone’s budget, there is an abundance of beautiful, sparkly, and stunning diamonds on the market.

What do you seek in a diamond?

It's important to emphasize that the most important criterion remains your own sensitivity, your desires or your needs of the moment.

For example, you may seek a diamond to mark an important event in your life, such as an engagement, birthday or a birth. Or, you may seek to buy one as an investment. Some may wish to get a diamond that refers to a memory, by getting a diamond that mimics the one your mother or grandmother wore.

And at other times, buying a diamond is simply about getting a gift for ourselves. So, you see, the criteria, such as the size, color, weight and cut varies depending on the occasion or purpose.

How can we help you find your perfect diamond

Choosing a diamond is practically impossible to do without in-depth knowledge or professional assistance from an expert.

That’s why Woodeex, the groundbreaking digital diamond exchange, offers expert support to accompany you throughout every step of your journey. Made up of professional diamond dealers from the world’s major diamond exchanges, our support team will advise you on finding the perfect balance of quality and value and match it to your personal criteria and desires.

Moreover, our built-in smart tools, offers personalized support in your search by understanding your needs and expectations and guiding you in selecting your ideal diamond.

Looking for a setting?

Once the diamond is purchased, the next step is to decide on the setting. Woodeex personalizes the experience by creating a tailor-made setting just for you. To learn more, get in touch with one of our experts over the phone, via whatsapp or by email at www.service@woodeex.com